
Mestrado em Educação

Campus Piracicaba Taquaral





Proposed Program

The Graduate Program in Education of UNIMEP, responsible for the Masters and Doctoral Programs, aims to train researchers, teachers and other professionals in the area.

From an academic / pedagogical point of view, since 1997 the organization of the Program and its activities of teaching, research / orientation and extension, in the ambit of both master's and doctorate, are guided by two thematic axes:

  • Educational Theories and Pedagogical Processes; and
  • Politics and History of Education.

The first focuses on the study of educational theories and pedagogical processes, especially from the analysis of pedagogical practice and its trends, dimensions and languages, in the social historical context, in broad terms and in the specificity of the school institution. The second focuses in particular the politics, management and history of education in Brazil, with its practical implications in the organization and planning of the educational system at its different levels.

These two thematic axes are visualized and understood in the academic / pedagogical practice of the Program as necessarily integrated, keeping its distinction in didactic terms so as not to lose sight of important dimensions of what ultimately constitutes the great thematic axis guiding the Program: O EDUCATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL PROCESS, in all its comprehension and extension, from its political, historical and epistemological determinants to its more specific theoretical-practical aspects.

In light of these statements, the Program pedagogically structures three Research and Research Centers, namely:

  • History and Philosophy of Education
  • Educational Practices and Social Relationships in School and Non- School Space
  • Teacher Work, Teacher Training and Educational Policies The Centers of Studies and Research are constituted by theagglutination, by affinity of thematic interests, of a minimum number of professors and students of the Program, and are responsible for the organization and development of the academic-scientific production, which includes, among others, the Development of research lines and projects, participation in the provision of compulsory basic subjects, provision of three to four "core" disciplines annually, coordination of supervised activities, and orientation of dissertations and theses. In addition, the Nuclei work their specificity in the correlation with the thematic axis (s) and with the other nuclei, in such a way that the Program assures its unity in the tension of the different.

The adoption of this pedagogical organizational structure of the Program took place after several years of reflections on the experience of the structure in concentration areas, especially when evaluating the implementation of the Doctoral Course. Unlike the Areas of Concentration, the Nuclei of Studies and Research are much more flexible and rich structures of organizational possibilities. They are spaces that bring together and integrate the scientific-academic activities of teachers and students, where much more easily can be given the discussion and the incorporation of new themes, research sub-themes and new theoretical-methodological approaches.


The Graduate Program in Education of the Methodist University of Piracicaba UNIMEP (PPGE-UNIMEP) aims to:

  • promote the scientific and in-depth education of researchers, teachers and professionals in the field of Education;
  • to develop systematic studies and advanced research on problems of Education in a broad sense and Education related to different institutional spheres, especially the school context;
  • to stimulate scientific production, based on the projects of its teachers and students, as well as the elaboration of works resulting from theses and dissertations;
  • Encourage actions that promote exchange with national and international institutions linked to the production of knowledge and projects, as well as integration with entities and sectors of the community, in order to contribute to the improvement of the Brazilian educational reality.


Piracicaba | Santa Bárbara d`Oeste | Lins
19 3124-1609